Star Trek: All Good Things - Reality Vs Fiction

3. Beverly Crusher

star trek fiction reality

What Happens In The Episode: Captain Beverly Picard née Crusher commands the USS Pasteur, a medical ship that brings Jean-Luc, Data, Geordi and Worf to the Devron System. Though she and her former captain fell in love and married, they amicably divorced. This was so friendly in fact that she decided to keep the name afterwards.

What Really Happened: If there is one character who suffered from underexposure in the years following All Good Things, it is Beverly Crusher. Her roles in Generations through to Nemesis were of bit-part, almost cameo sized performances. By the close of Nemesis, she has been reassigned to Starfleet Medical and, to date, that's all the audience knows.

There is nothing at all to suggest she won't end up commanding a Starship, even if she does several years as head of Starfleet Medical. After all, the excuse given for her rapid departure at the end of the first season was to take up the very same role, after which she returned (once Executive Producer Maurice Hurley got the boot!).

Her's is a character badly needed for Star Trek: Picard's second season. She was highly conspicuous in her absence in the first year, something that needs to be rectified in the second!

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick