Star Trek: Discovery 3.10 Review: Ups And Downs From Terra Firma, Part 2

5. Landry's Epic Return (DOWN)

Star Trek Discovery The Guardian of Forever

Rekha Sharma returns this week for oh wait no she's gone.

What was the point of her coming back? It isn't that it wasn't nice to see her - as both a Star Trek fan and a Battlestar Galactica fan, it was great to see her again. However, last week she took a shot, and this week she gets shot.

This makes the list today because it just feels like a massive swing and a miss. To bring a character back for what is a cameo, but then not to give her any lines? It just seems like baiting the audience with a potentially greater scene. It also serves, unfortunately, to highlight the distinct, noticeable lack of Gabriel Lorca. Now while the reality of the business could be that the producers simply couldn't get Jason Isaacs, or for some reason chose not to bring him back, having Landry there just hangs on a hat on Lorca's absence.

The fact is - literally any other character could fill the spot that the show puts Landry in in these episodes, and because that's so obvious, it has to be a down here.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick