Star Trek: Discovery 3.10 Review: Ups And Downs From Terra Firma, Part 2

4. Burnham's Coup (UP)

Star Trek Discovery The Guardian of Forever

There was never any attempt (at least it didn't feel that way) to make Burnham's switch to loyalty feel believable. So, when the coup occurs, thankfully it is not treated as a shock twist. Rather, Georgiou has been expecting it the whole time. Saru, Killy and Owosekun all support Georgiou, while Culber, Nilsson and Rhys all support Burnham.

The fight is fast and bloody, with Georgiou's crew quickly coming out on top. It was never about the other combatants (no matter how cool it is to see Sary slam Culber into the ceiling) and it boils down to Burnham facing off against Georgiou.

This is the crux of why Georgiou is there at all. She tries hard to make the difference that she wants and needs in Burnham's heart, but even in these last moments she can see that there is simply no way for Burnham, in this context, to change her state of being.

Georgiou is forced to kill Burnham, with her sword through her stomach. Burnham does however get what could have been a killing blow, plunging her knife into Georgiou's neck. Georgiou lies dying in Saru's arms (again, a wonderful moment) and the shot zooms in on her eyes.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick