Star Trek: Discovery 3.10 Review: Ups And Downs From Terra Firma, Part 2

2. Georgiou's Departure (UP)

Star Trek Discovery The Guardian of Forever

Michelle Yeoh was, in many ways, an odd part of Star Trek: Discovery. There is no question that she was excellent in the dual role of Phillipa/Emperor Georgiou, and yet there were many times when there simply never seemed to be the right place for her. Section 31 did suit her in season two, and the news that she was confirmed for a spin-off was met with much positivity.

And then she flew to the future.

This was certainly confusing, but perhaps it was to allow time for this moment to occur. Having Burnham disappear off and leave Georgiou behind wouldn't make much sense, not when Burnham went through the troubles of saving her, and dumping her into the wrong universe. Georgiou's character languished for much of this season, clearly superfluous to the plot.

Terra Firma however gives her not only a reason for being, but also the growth that she has been lacking since her arrival on the show, along with a farewell scene that is as emotional as anything that has previously been seen on the show. Finally, there is an understanding and even love between the two characters, mother and daughter, and there is a true sense of pain at her departure.

She is, presumably, sent back to the Mirror Universe in the correct time, so that her molecules don't scramble - although having said that if she was back there, they'd be fine, so she may yet be Prime. But the scene has a wonderful build, a fantastic pay-off and, when Burnham arrives back on the ship, the hug she shares with Book as the rest of the crew continue with their days is truly heartbreaking.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick