Star Trek: Discovery 3.3 Review - Ups And Downs From People Of Earth

3. Rapid Resolution - DOWN

Star Trek Discovery

From the moment that Discovery arrives at Earth, there is a sense of 'uh-oh' about everything. There is, thankfully, mostly posturing from the United Earth Defence Forces, rather than open violence. This changes however when Wen, a raider, arrives with a small fleet of ships. He is here for Discovery's dilitium, and he doesn't intend on asking nicely.

This leads to a fantastic bait and switch involving Michael and Book, yet even the introduction of Todd The Wraith/Christopher Heyerdahl doesn't change the fact that this scene is resolved WAY too quickly.

Wen is reputed to be so damaging and deadly that he is to be shot on site, with his ships destroyed. Earth fires quantum torpedoes at him, dissolving Discovery's shields in the process. Yet, the moment he identifies himself as human - all is forgiven, sorry about that?

It is a story that could easily have spanned an episode or two (or even a series called The Expanse....)


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick