Star Trek: Discovery 3.3 Review - Ups And Downs From People Of Earth

4. Copy And Paste Gate Bridge - DOWN

Star Trek Discovery

This may seem like nitpicking, yet this is something that deserved a down in the pilot of Star Trek: Picard as well. It has long been established that Starfleet headquarters was located beside the Golden Gate bridge, so it is only natural that it should feature when the crew visits the site.

However, in the 23rd century (second season finale of Discovery) it is shown to have been retrofitted to feature a long array of solar panels. Those exact same solar panels are in place in Star Trek: Picard - it's clearly a copy and paste job.

And, almost one thousand years later - the bridge looks exactly the same here!

While it's perfectly understandable 'not to repair what is not broken' something different? By leaving it exactly the same, it stands out a little too much.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick