Star Trek: Discovery 3.5 Review: Ups And Downs From Die Trying

6. Blinking The Holograms Off (DOWN)

Star Trek Discovery Voyager J

While Georgiou finally gets something better to do this week (more on that coming), there is a somewhat cringe-worthy moment as she is interrogated by the ELI/EMHs. She faces them, while David Cronenberg observes - which is a strange sentence to type in itself.

She then begins blinking rapidly, in sequence. This works to disrupt their holomatrixes, which causes her to smile arrogantly and Cronenberg to quip 'please don't break my holograms.'

She retorts - 'you need to update your holograms' and YES, YES HE DOES.

One thousand years in the future and holograms can be disrupted by simple binary/morse sequences? That seems to be a very grave design flaw. How easily can this be abused? Is this a weakness that the Doctor in Star Trek: Voyager was susceptible to? It seems like a very, very odd trait to introduce into the future.

Holotechnology seems to have regressed massively in the future, as on top of this weakness, the voices of each ELI echoes with a mechanical tone. While its possible these are low-grade holograms, designed for simple tasks - that's a bit of a stretch to ask the audience to assume.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick