Star Trek: Discovery 3.5 Review: Ups And Downs From Die Trying

3. Nhan Staying Behind (DOWN)

Star Trek Discovery Voyager J

Rachael Ancherril has been upped to starring status in season three yet, after her first episode with her having anything to do (five episodes into the season) she elects to remain behind on the Tekov, pledging to aid Dr. Attis in the research to save his family and safeguard Starfleet seed supply as well.

While the idea of the Tekov is a great addition to the lore, and the age of the ship can easily be explained away by refits through the years, the idea of Nhan remaining behind rings a bit hollow.

She elected to join Discovery to honour Ariam's sacrifice. While this sacrifice is unfortunately starting to wear a bit thin, let us accept that for the moment. So, at the very first opportunity to leave Discovery, Nhan remains behind on the ship - in the hopes that she will see home again.

On the positive side of this decision, it is clear that Nhan didn't think through her trip to the future. That aside, having her stay behind like this (if indeed this is the last we see of her) just feels like her journey was pointless?

Now, this is a down we can happily rescind if this leads to a greater story for Nhan going forward, but in this episode alone, it comes out of nowhere and feels more like abandoning her ship that doing something positive.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick