Star Trek: Discovery 3.5 Review: Ups And Downs From Die Trying

4. Reno, Tilly And Stamets (UP)

Star Trek Discovery Voyager J

After Discovery jumps to the Tekov, Reno, Tilly and Stamets are observed by Lt. Willa (guest star Vanessa Jackson). While the audience is now used to their quirks, Willa is somewhat bewildered by what she sees around her.

While there is a clear chain of command, with Stamets on top, Reno somewhere in the middle and Tilly on the bottom - all three seem to have abandoned protocol as it speeds up the system.

It is a refreshing moment in the episode as Willa begins to understand that the crew do work so well together. She correctly points out that there is a lack of decorum, though it gets the job done. With repeated uses of the phrase 'well, duh', eyebrows are definitely raised.

However, the team quickly comes to the conclusion that Coronal Mass Ejection is responsible for the phased state of Dr. Attis. Willa comments that their system works. Stamets says that it may be unorthodox, but that they have come to terms with the way they do things.

Reno disagrees. Smiles all around.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick