Star Trek: Discovery - 9 Reasons To Be Worried

3. Subscription Issues

Star Trek Discovery

If you live in the United States, Discovery is available as an exclusive on CBS' streaming service, All Access. This has signalled problems for its viewership, with many fans refusing to pay a full subscription fee when their interest lies only with one show. Due to Star Trek's mass appeal, the move is chiefly considered as little more than a ploy on CBS' part to boost recognition for their relatively small streaming service.

It will likely backfire due to audience’s preference to pirate or wait for the DVD, which will put a downer on Discovery’s ratings and possibly mark an early cancellation.

In the rest of the world, you will be able to view the program on Netflix, who are apparently frustrated at not having the worldwide rights and, like Fuller, have had a shaky relationship with CBS.


Ben Aldis enjoys filming, writing and watching things.