Star Trek: Discovery - 9 Reasons To Be Worried

4. Additional Behind The Scenes Troubles

Star Trek Discovery

Since the announcement, the premiere date has been constantly delayed. Last year, CBS seemed unusually confident the show would make a January 2017 start date - a time when principle production was still not on the horizon. It was then delayed to May and finally again to late September. Some considered it was due to extensive altercations and re-tooling, which likely lead to Bryan Fuller's departure.

Insider sources have also claimed that test screenings for the show have, to say the least, underwhelmed. Only a fraction of the test audience, which included fans and casual viewers, reacted positively while the majority stressed that the show didn't deliver.

With indifference from audiences and backlash from fans, CBS now doubt the show will go beyond one season; they're allegedly already looking to halt the series, recast and take a new direction for Season 2, supposedly pushing forward with Fuller's initial anthology idea. Firing him clearly wasn't their most enlightened decision...


Ben Aldis enjoys filming, writing and watching things.