Star Trek: Discovery - 9 Reasons To Be Worried

1. Conflicts With Fans

Star Trek Discovery

An interesting but strange thing about social media is that we can see the creators connect and sometimes spew vitriol at a fanbase they should be trying to attract. Discovery's Captain, Jason Isaacs, recently remarked on Twitter about the show's lack of connection to previous Trek and squared up to the fanbase, forcing them to just accept it and even dared them not to watch.

Isaac's irate reaction suggests he is defensive about the show and quite dismissive of naysayers - something that has rarely ended well for celebrities on social media. If we've learnt anything from folk like Josh Trank or Paul Feig, it's that it's probably best to stay silent in case of worrying or flat-out offending the very people who you're trying to sell the product to. In the case of Feig, he was aggressively defending something that was ultimately terrible and inferior, and Isaacs' attitude hopefully does not foreshadow a similar outcome.

It's true that fans can be overly whiny, but it's always better to ignore that side and instead calmly instil confidence in those who are apprehensive. Defending the show with fire will only alienate the old fandom, and if they don't watch, Discovery has much more to lose than they do.

Bottom line - don't f**k with the fans.

Are you worried about Discovery, or do you think they'll pull it off? Share your thoughts down in the comments.


Ben Aldis enjoys filming, writing and watching things.