Star Trek: Discovery Episode 3.8 Review: Ups And Downs From The Sanctuary

9. Osyrra's Introduction (UP)

Star Trek Discovery Ryn

In the pre-credits sequence, we are finally introduced to Osyrra, the leader of the Emerald Chain. She is a descpicable villain, which we see right from her first moments. Tolor, her beloved nephew, is attempting to explain away how he lost Ryn during the mass breakout. Osyrra is not amused.

There follows the beginnings of a monologue about how 'good' she was in taking him in when his father died. The twist on this comes in the reveal that she was responsible for his dad's death! There is something delicious in the way Janet Kidder plays the part.

We, as an audience, are left in little doubt as to whether Tolor is getting out of that room alive. With a tap of her finger to her wee transporter ring, Osyrra sends him into a chamber with a stolen Trance Worm. Someone must have forgotten to tell the worm about the trance bit though, as Tolor is devoured, screaming along the way.

It's a pleasant shlocky intro, and a great first meeting of Osyrra.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick