Star Trek: Discovery Episode 3.8 Review: Ups And Downs From The Sanctuary

8. Saru And Tilly (UP)

Star Trek Discovery Ryn

This one might get me a bit of stick around the canteen (do you remember those?) but I loved this interplay between Saru and Tilly, as they tried to come up with Saru's 'engage'. They toss around 'Hit It', 'Execute' and 'Carry On'. Now, the joke is lifted from Lower Decks, where it was arguably funnier - but it is still nice to see how the two are becoming such a team.

When Ryn barges into the ready room and demands to know which of them is captain, Tilly immediately shuts him down and reminds him that respect needs to be shown to the rank. It's a fantastic moment of confidence from her, particularly as much of last week's episode was devoted to showing her struggle with her responsibilities.

Saru, while very able in the role he is in, still needs support and he has found that in Tilly. She, for her part, seems to have simply needed someone to take a chance on her to allow her to shine. Together, they are making a very good pairing.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick