Star Trek: Discovery Episode 3.8 Review: Ups And Downs From The Sanctuary

7. Ryn (UP)

Star Trek Discovery Ryn

Ryn returns this week and thankfully it is a good move. He barges into the ready room demanding to know whether it is Saru or Tilly who is captain, only to be immediately shot down by Tilly. It is a great moment, both to see Ryn's bravado and Tilly's confidence.

He mellows and goes on to explain how he owes so much to Book and wants to help, then over the course of the episode he slots very nicely into relationships with the various crew members. He has a natural chemistry with Tilly, something undoubtedly thanks to the fact that in real life, Mary Wiseman and Noah Averbach-Katz are married.

Ryn would make a great addition to the ship. He is fleshed out enough that he is more than a caricature, and he will need to remain if he is to be kept safe from Osyrra. The 'reveal' of the secret is hardly that big of a shock - the Emerald Chain are running out of dilithium. Isn't everyone?

But overall, this is a great showing from Ryn and we hope to see a lot more of him.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick