Star Trek: Discovery Episode 3.8 Review: Ups And Downs From The Sanctuary

4. Book's Planet And The A-Plot (DOWN)

Star Trek Discovery Ryn

This down is truly a down for the episode as a whole. While it wasn't bad, to be fair, it wasn't particularly good either. This episode grinds the season to a halt, feeling very much like a side-quest. While we are introduced to Osyrra here, the return to Book's home planet doesn't really teach us anything new - nor does it offer much in the way of stand out moments for us to remember.

Kycheem is a nice addition, though is given a little too much slack by Book. He is lauded as a hero by the end of the episode, while he does try to have Book killed. Interesting family dynamic there.

The Locusts are a beautiful image, though the idea that Book and Kycheem never attempted on their own what it took the Discovery to do for them is just...far fetched, to say the least.

It all feels very inconsequential. Again, not bad - just like a chapter in a book that one might consider skipping on the next re-read.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick