Star Trek Discovery: Every Easter Egg & Hidden Reference From 'Far From Home'

9. Mineralogy Of The Future... Again

Star Trek Discovery Saru

Surveying the damage Discovery suffered from her journey through the Red Angel wormhole and her crash landing on The Colony, Lieutenant Bryce tells Saru that the ship's transtator needs to be entirely rebuilt, which Tilly states can be accomplished using "rubindium".

Transtators and rubindium both date back to the Star Trek: The Original Series: Transtators are apparently a vital component in a number of pieces of Star Trek tech, first mentioned in "A Piece of the Action" as part of a Starfleet communicator. Rubindium was previously mentioned in "Patterns of Force" as a crystal component of alien transponders.

It's worth pointing out that rubidium is a real life element, whereas rubindium (with an N) exists exclusively in the Star Trek Universe.

Speaking of fictional materials, Jet mentions that Stamets was impaled by a 7-inch shard of duranium alloy. Duranium is an oft-mentioned material used in the construction of spacecraft, first mentioned in "The Menagerie" but given a shoutout in nearly every incarnation of the franchise.


I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).