Star Trek Enterprise Cast: Where Are They Now?

8. Jeffrey Combs

Star Trek Enterprise

Jeffrey Combs is a Star Trek actor who needs very little introduction. He has appeared as the Vorta Weyoun and the Ferengi Brunt, both on Deep Space Nine and once in the same episode. He has also appeared as various other characters across Deep Space Nine and Voyager, yet it is the blue Andorian Shran that is pictured here.

Combs is a prolific actor with a wide range. He originally became somewhat famous for his appearances in the Re-animator series, something he has openly stated he would be continuing to this day where possible. He was among the many who paid tribute to Stuart Gordon, director of the first Re-animator film, who passed away recently.

Apart from his many Trek appearances, he has also continued to work in other shows and films. His voice gave children nightmares as the re-imagined Scarecrow in Batman The Animated Series. He has many different horror appearances to his name, many of which revolve around Lovecraftian themes and stories, playing Lovecraft himself in one of these productions.

He too has appeared in the comedy film Unbelievable!!! with many other Trek alumni, showing that even all these years later, he still truly enjoys his connection to the Star Trek universe and family.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick