Star Trek Enterprise Cast: Where Are They Now?

9. Gary Graham

Star Trek Enterprise

As the Vulcan Ambassador Soval, it took a little while for fans to come around to Graham's character on Enterprise. He seemed to be stonewalling Starfleet's attempts to explore the galaxy, trying at every turn to remind them of how little they knew. It would take T'Pol standing up to him before he showed any sense of unwinding.

As the show went on, Soval became, if not warmer, than a certainly more sympathetic character. This was thanks in large part to the way Graham played his evolution. This was not his introduction to the Star Trek universe though. He had previously appeared on screen in Voyager's second season, as the Ocampa Tanis.

He had also been considered for both the roles of Commander Sisko and Captain Janeway, before it was decided to make a Janeway a woman. Post-Trek, he has kept very much in contact with his Trek co-stars.

He appeared in Star Trek: Of Gods and Men, along with many other Star Trek actors from almost all incarnations of the show. He also reprises his role as Soval in the fan made film, Prelude to Axanar. This was to lead into a full production that has, as yet, remained unmade, due to many legal issues arising with CBS.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick