Star Trek Enterprise Cast: Where Are They Now?

12. Scott MacDonald

Star Trek Enterprise

Poor Scott MacDonald - that really is the face only a mother could love.

This actor, most well known to Trek fans as Commander Dolim, the Xindi Reptilian from the third season, has actually appeared in the first four live-action spin offs from Star Trek. He first appeared as Tosk in Deep Space Nine, before going on to play a Romulan in both that and the Next Generation and a Jem'hadar.

He did get to appear, briefly, as a human in the pilot of Star Trek Voyager. He was Ensign Rollins, who was given command of the ship while the senior staff were away.

Since Enterprise, he has had recurring roles on Carnivále and Threshold, while also appearing (along with half of Star Trek, it seems) in Boston Legal. His film work includes the hilarious Jack Frost horror films. His biggest film to date is most likely Jarhead, starring Jake Gyllenhaal.

While the main bulk of his work has been in theatre, his acting skills have stood out in the franchise. He was Troi's Romulan aid N'vek in Face of the Enemy, the aforementioned Tosk and he was Goran'Agar, the Jem'hadar soldier free from addiction in Hippocratic Oath.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick