Star Trek: Every First Officer Ranked

4. Major Kira - Star Trek Deep Space Nine

Star Trek First Officers

Deep Space Nine was a different beast in the Star Trek franchise. Debuting while the Next Generation was still on the air, it would naturally be subject to comparisons from the beginning. So the new first officer was going to measured against Riker straight away. And they couldn't be more different.

Major Kira is introduced as a hot headed, strongly anti-Federation character in the pilot. She is brash and unwilling to bow to Federation rules. It looks as though she is going to be a massive thorn in Sisko's side. But that relationship changes entirely when Sisko goes from being just her commanding officer to the Emissary to the very Gods she worships.

This is a unique relationship in Star Trek. While many first officers show their captains hero worship, Kira actually worships what Sisko represents. And there are times when this tries their relationship. But it also makes them closer in a way than any of the other names on this list. She, for example, is one of the few crew members who truly understands what the Prophets mean to Sisko.

She supports the decisions he makes when it comes to her religion. This goes beyond duty and beyond loyalty. Were the question ever asked, she would support Sisko to the grave. She is also one of the few to understand that Sisko had a happy ending, becoming one of the prophets themselves. She takes command of DS9, content in the knowledge that in the grief around her, there is joy.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick