Star Trek: Every First Officer Ranked

3. Riker - Star Trek: The Next Generation

Star Trek First Officers

Will Riker became for many the very definition of Number One when he grew the beard. No, not on his debut, because that first season just needed a bit more help. But from the second season on, he relaxed in a way he hadn't before. He bonded with Picard, while they still kept their formal distance. And, over the course of the series' run, he grew comfortable on the Enterprise and with his family aboard.

He met with criticism for his refusal to leave the post, despite being offered his own command several times. One such refusal saved his life after the Melbourne was destroyed at Wolf 359. He was the point man for Picard. He was charming and serious when necessary, guiding the crew while also defending them as needed.

The relationship with Picard was so close that when command of the Enterprise passed to Jellico, Riker experienced a true shock. Gone was the cordial greetings and genial way of speaking. Here was a captain who didn't give a damn about working with the crew. And as such, Riker, as first officer, slips slightly down this list because he was a fantastic first officer to Captain Picard but a pretty woeful one to Captain Jellico!

But if this list were based on personality, smiles and beards alone, it would be Riker with a landslide win.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick