Star Trek: Every First Officer Ranked

2. Saru - Star Trek Discovery

Star Trek First Officers

Saru is the first officer who has been through hell and back and come out the other side as a transformed creature. Originally serving on the Shenzhou, he is assigned to Discovery once that ship is lost in the opening volley of the Klingon War. He is openly hostile to Burnham when she arrives on board, unwilling to let her forget the part she played.

But, despite the natural cowardice of his race, Saru blossoms under, ironically, Captain Lorca and then later Captain Pike. He is steady. He is both a disciplinarian and a carer. He is able to weather enormous challenges and rise to the situation when command is called for. He successfully leads the crew home from the mirror universe and, despite his own struggles through the second season, he is a strong and capable first officer to Pike.

He again assumes command in the battle with Control, leading the crew to the future through the wormhole created by Burnham's suit.

Saru is a character that in a relatively short amount of time has risen to a deserved spot as one of the greatest first officers in the fleet. With season 3 of Discovery on the way, it remains to be seen whether he will remain as first officer or rise to the rank of captain. But it is certain that he is a Kelpian well capable of both.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick