Star Trek: Every Helmsman Ranked From Worst To Best
8. Una

The original Number One, Una has years of experience at the helm of the USS Enterprise under the command of Captain Christopher Pike. Resourceful and devious enough to get around the 'official channels' of obtaining information, Una was Pike's right hand in keeping his ship functioning smoothly and in good order. She was often noted for keeping her emotions in check.
In 2254, Una was with Pike and Spock when they encountered the mysterious Talosians, who wanted to keep Pike as a prisoner for experimentation and study. Una led the efforts to liberate Pike with all manner of technology available to them. Unfortunately, Una would also be captured and presented to Pike as one of two options for mating alongside a young ensign. The Talosians revealed to Pike that her strict emotional control was in part to cover for her feelings for her captain.
In the years to come, Una would stand by Pike's side as the Enterprise went to the aide of the USS Discovery in battle against Control, where she demonstrated her skill at the helm of the ship. If Star Trek: Strange New Worlds goes ahead, then we should be seeing a lot more of Number One in the future.