Star Trek: Every Helmsman Ranked From Worst To Best

4. Jean-Luc Picard

Star Trek Helsmen

We may know the Shakespeare-loving, vineyard tending Frenchman as the Captain of the Enterprise, but in his earlier years, Jean-Luc Picard spent his time at the helm of a number of ships. Most notably her served on the USS Reliant and then the fateful USS Stargazer. It was on this ship where his quick thinking and bold impulsiveness led to the development of the 'Picard Manoeuvre' while he was in command, using his years of experience helming the ship to his advantage.

Later on, when Picard was Captain of the USS Enterprise-D, he would again sit behind the helm on a few occasions, steering the ship out of danger and 'showing the young 'uns how it's done' and even impressing Mr. Data. Ironically, years later, he would sit behind the helm of La Sirena and state that he didn't know how this actually worked, although that might have been the new-fangled holographic interactive controls.

With his many years of service, Jean-Luc Picard stands as one of Starfleet's finest pilots, captains and Dixon Hill enthusiasts.

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Still bitter that Star Trek Enterprise got canned and almost old enough to angrily tell the kids to 'Get Off My Lawn!'