Star Trek: EVERY Season Ranked Worst To Best

22. Voyager - Season 3

Every Star Trek

Voyager managed to tighten its storytelling and pacing. Four episodes had been held over from season two and there is a distinct difference in style between these entries and the rest of the season.

Flashback is the best example of this. The episode was the celebration of Star Trek's 30th Anniversary, bringing Captain Sulu and Commander Rand back to the franchise. However, despite the loving attention paid to the Star Trek VI storyline, the remainder of the episode is a fairly dull affair, something that was indicative of several second season entries.

However, the rest of the season is a marked improvement. Future's End is one of the stronger stories, finally giving the Doctor his mobile emitter and bringing the surprisingly wonderful Rain Robinson into the story. Darkling and Real Life further explore the Doctor's character, while Distant Origin stands as one of the finest hours of Voyager.

There was an increase in action this season - Basics Part II, Worst Case Scenario (featuring the welcome return of Martha Hackett) and Scorpion Part 1 all ramp it up to 11, helping the show to find its tone.

This would prove to be Kes's final season, not including her appearances at the start of season four and her episode in season six, which was caused by the producers' will to shake up the show. It came down to either Kes or Harry Kim getting the chop. Kim was saved, partly thanks to his inclusion in a list of the most beautiful people in the world that was published during the hiatus.

Poor Jennifer Lien!

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick