Star Trek: EVERY Season Ranked Worst To Best

21. Deep Space Nine - Season 2

Every Star Trek

Deep Space Nine season two kicked off with the three episode arc of The Homecoming, The Circle and The Siege, which would be an indicator of the longer serials to come. It also featured an uncredited guest arc by Frank Langella.

The second year was generally considered by the producers to be among the best that Star Trek had yet offered. The three episode arc was designed to act as a statement to the audience that Deep Space Nine was going to do something different. It was also the season that saw the introduction of the Dominion.

Broadcast concurrently with the seventh season of the Next Generation, the Maquis featured in both. The Maquis two-parter established the depths that these colonists turned terrorists had been forced to sink to, while the Next Generation explored this thread through both Wesley Crusher and Ro Laren.

This year also saw the return of some of the Original Series actors to the franchise. Michael Ansara, William Campbell and John Colicos returned to Star Trek as Kang, Koloth and Kor respectively in the highly enjoyable episode Blood Oath.

The Dominion were introduced here, offering the franchise the greatest threat since the Borg. The scene pictured above, of the Galaxy-class USS Odyssey, overpowered and destroyed by the Jem'hadar was a chilling end to the season delivering, if not a cliffhanger then certainly an exciting promise for the third season to build on.

Much of the season ranks among the best that Star Trek has to offer.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick