Star Trek: EVERY Season Ranked Worst To Best

20. Voyager - Season 6

Every Star Trek
CBS Media Ventures

This would be the first season of Star Trek to be out there on its own since the fifth season of the Next Generation. Where seasons four and five had featured several longer story lines and arcs, season six leaned more toward stand alone episodes, making it feel more like a spiritual successor to the first season.

There were several exceptions to this rule - Pathfinder and Fury among them - but the season was somewhat let down by this. The action packed opener, Equinox Part II, promised a fantastic start to the year, which was unfortunately not capitalized on. Intriguing new villains like the Vaadwaur from Dragon's Teeth were introduced, only to then be immediately forgotten.

There were however plenty of moments and themes that were more than enjoyable. The Borg children, introduced in Child's Play, would prove to be a huge part of Seven of Nine's arc going forward and Voyager finally made live contact with Earth, via Reg Barclay, in one of the most moving scenes in the entire franchise.

The season was, like the overall show itself, somewhat overrun by the Borg. A heavier reliance on them as villains robbed them of some of their power. They appeared in multiple episodes, culminating in the assimilation of Janeway, Torres and Tuvok in Unimatrix Part 1. Overall, the year was defined by Robert Beltran as dreary and tedious - perhaps a little harsh, though certainly a fair indicator that Voyager had run out of much of its steam by season six.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick