Star Trek: Everything We Know About Section 31 (The Movie)

8. Red Lady With The Blue Hair

Star Trek Section 31
CBS Media Ventures

TrekCulture Towers jumped to full impulse at the news. Rachel Garrett was returning! Inclusion of the previously monster-marooned of Yesterday's Enterprise, played this time by Kacey Rohl, meant Star Trek: Section 31 was at least in part set in the famed, and now misnamed, 'Lost Era'.

Variety's Adam B. Vary broke the story, having been on set to see the "young" Garrett side-by-side with Georgiou. In the teaser trailer, we got our own glimpse at what Vary called a "swanky establishment" — a high-end alien-filled nightclub. You probably also spotted Garrett at the bar. Not the lady in red, but the matching blue hair (with Georgiou) was hard to miss!

Garrett's still Starfleet — there to make sure Section 31 doesn't go murdering anyone. (Good luck!) The future captain of the Enterprise-C will have to find a balance, nonetheless, as Rohl told Mick Joest,

She's straddling the divide between those two worlds, trying to marry the Starfleet way of doing things and the Section 31 way of doing things […] figuring out which rulebook is appropriate for which situation.

Oh, and just by the by, dropped casually by the cast in conversation with MTV's Josh Horowitz at SDCC — it's LIEUTENANT Rachel Garrett!

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.