Star Trek: How EVERY Captain Became Captain
11. Captain Gabriel Lorca

Much of what is known about Gabriel Lorca from the prime universe is somewhat lost to history.
He was from the southern states in America, which influenced his look on life. While a Lieutenant Commander, he was assigned to the Federation Outpost on Tarsus IV.
While there, he was witness to the devastating contagion that began to lay waste to many of the inhabitants of the colony. He was also one of several crewmen who became aware of the Governor of Tarsus, Kodos, and his plan to contain the issue by killing thousands of colonists. By the time Commander Georgiou arrived, Kodos (later nicknamed 'The Executioner') had already implemented his plan.
One of the survivors was a young James T. Kirk.
Lorca would then later serve as the security chief of the USS Helios, under Captain Zachary Matuzas. By the 2250s, Lorca was promoted to captain and took control of the USS Buran. That vessel was later destroyed, though in the fray Lorca was transported to the Mirror Universe.
It is unknown if Lorca survived his exile.