Star Trek: Lower Decks 2.4 Review - Ups & Downs From Mugato, Gumato

8. Poisonous, Carnivorous, Strength Of 10 Men - UP

Star Trek Lower Decks Mugato

Trust Ransom to come out with this line! While the senior staff are discussing the Mugato situation on Frylon IV, where two Denobulan scientists have been attacked by the eponymous creatures, Shax is taking the situation as seriously as ever. Freeman seems almost annoyed that they've been assigned to this task, feeling it is a bit beneath the Cerritos. Ransom, as ever, while a professional and seasoned officer, has this to say about the creatures:

Poisonous, Carnivorous, Strength of 10 men? Sounds just like my ex.

Now, that may seem like a bit of a petty and predictable thing to say, yet...are there many among us who may not assign that particular description to an ex-partner, even if only for a short-time? And, with Ransom's luck on board the vessel, not least including being attacked by a salt-vampire that somehow got aboard and into the mess hall, this is probably a very accurate description of his love life to date.

UP. Ransom may be a bit of a manchild, but we have to give me props for calling it how he sees it.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick