Star Trek Lower Decks: Every Easter Egg & Hidden Reference From 'Envoys'

9. Obvious Borg Joke

Star Trek Lower Decks Evora Insurrection Easter Egg Cameo

Security Chief Shaxs initiates Rutherford into the security division by putting him through the Combat Simulation Smorgasborg.

It's basically a joke we've all thought about since the introduction of the Borg back in TNG's "Q Who". In fact, the Borg that Rutherford easily defeats through the use of his cybernetic implant look more like a lot like they did back "Q Who", more than the modern evolution of the Borg makeup design from Star Trek: First Contact, Star Trek: Voyager, and even Star Trek: Picard.

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I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).