Star Trek Lower Decks: Every Easter Egg & Hidden Reference From 'Envoys'

27. TNG Tech

Star Trek Lower Decks Evora Insurrection Easter Egg Cameo

More technology and equipment pulled right out of TNG can be seen in the repair bay, which seems to the Lower Decks' gang's base of operations.

As in last week's episode, there's a broken replicator and a trashed shuttlecraft. However we're able to see the shuttlecraft's engines in "Envoys" which are the same style engines used for the type-6 shuttlecraft in TNG and Voyager, clearly supplanted by the blast shielded new shuttle (including the Yosemite) seen used aboard the Cerritos.

This compartment also contains numerous octagonal cargo containers, which were a staple of the Enterprise-D's cargo bay in episodes like "Datalore". There's also what appears to be a Galaxy-class warp plasma injector from TNG's "Eye of the Beholder" in the back corner behind the type-6 shuttle.

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I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).