Star Trek Lower Decks: Every Easter Egg & Hidden Reference From 'Second Contact'

17. Shuttlecraft

Star Trek Lower Decks

Ensign Tendi arrives aboard the Cerritos on the shuttlecraft Yosemite (or "Yo, Semite" if you're Donald Trump). These shuttles are a variation on TNG and Voyager's type-6 shuttlecraft design.

The Yosemite lands in the Cerritos' shuttlebay alongside shuttles labeled Joshua Tree, Redwood, and Death Valley – all national parks in California and continuing DS9's trend of naming auxiliary craft after landmarks (the station's runabouts were named for Earth rivers).

This scene also features a background operations division officer wearing an operations yellow Sikh head wrap, the first-ever representation of Sikhs in the franchise.

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I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).