Star Trek Lower Decks: Every Easter Egg & Hidden Reference From 'Second Contact'
16. Alien Cameos
Tendi, an Orion, arrives aboard the Cerritos among several other ensigns with canon roots: There's what appears to be a young Klingon in operations yellow, an Andorian also in yellow, and a Benzite complete with vaping breathing apparatus in command red (see TNG's "Coming of Age" and "Code of Honor").
Aside from the Cerritos' new arrivals, there are legacy aliens peppered throughout the episode, including a Bolian ensign member of Commander Ransom's away team, a Vulcan ensign in the bunk hallway, an Andorian female being treated in sickbay, and a "rage virus" afflicted Vulcan whose black goo vomit kinda resembles "evil" Spock's goatee from TOS' "Mirror, Mirror". Ensign Rutherford also goes on a date with Ensign Barnes, a Trill who works on the deflector dish and apparently has a cybernetically enhanced father.
In the command crew, the Cerritos' security officer, Lieutenant Shaxs is Bajoran, and the ship's medical officer, Doctor T'Ana is Caitian – the cat-like alien species first seen in Star Trek: The Animated Series.