Star Trek Picard: Every Easter Egg & Hidden Reference From 'Stardust City Rag'

10. Relish It

Quark Star Trek Picard

Bjayzl serves Maddox some spiked tranya.

Tranya is the beverage Balok aka a young Clint Howard served Captain Kirk and Bones in The Original Series episode "The Corbomite Maneuver". It was also served very cold to Odo at Quark's Bar in Deep Space Nine's "Facets".

According to behind the scenes sources, tranya was available at the Orion bar that appeared in Star Trek: Discovery's first season finale, "Will You Take My Hand?" which happened to be operated by a grown Clint Howard as "Creepy Orion". Howard also reprised the role of Balok for Comedy Central's 2006 Roast of William Shatner, in which it was revealed Balok went on to suffer from tranya-related alcoholism. This should be canon.


I played Shipyard Bar Patron (Uncredited) in Star Trek (2009).