Star Trek: Ranking The 100th Episodes Worst To Best

2. Timeless - Star Trek Voyager

Star Trek 100th
CBS Media Ventures

For the 100th episode of Star Trek Voyager, Brannon Braga wrote a time-travel story that doesn't actually feature anyone travelling through time, with only a message being transmitted. The celebration that takes place in engineering mirrored the feelings on-set, with an actual party being held as well. Many past writers and actors returned to join in.

LeVar Burton returned, though he came to work. He was specifically requested as director for the episode and, just before shooting commenced, agreed to appear in a cameo role. While it was fun to have Geordi back, however briefly, the episode belongs entirely to Garrett Wang. Joe Menosky, who co-wrote the teleplay with Braga, stated that barely a year earlier he would have thought the idea of Harry Kim being centre stage in an episode like this was madness, yet Wang more than delivered.

The episode proved a challenge for the art department more than anyone else. The scenes on the frozen Voyager were filmed first, with the bridge and corridors completely covered in ice. Barely three days later, the cameras were back to film the bridge as normal. Director Burton gives them a lot of credit, citing how difficult it was to turn that around.

The episode was a hit, easily rising to become one of the show's best. Wang believed it was strong enough to be a two-parter or feature-length story but Brannon Braga always intended it to be stand-alone, serving as Voyager's answer to The City on the Edge of Forever.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick