Star Trek: Ranking The 100th Episodes Worst To Best
1. Redemption - Star Trek The Next Generation
Redemption saw the end of The Next Generation's Fourth Season, which was arguably one of its best. Gowron is vying for control of the Klingon High Council with the Duras Sisters and Toral, the son of the slain foe. Worf is dragged into the upcoming Civil War by supporting the would-be Chancellor, while Picard is faced with the difficult choice to stay out of internal Klingon affairs.
Redemption is an absolute triumph from start to finish. Ronald D. Moore said that he truly enjoyed writing for the Duras Sisters, having come on board the previous season and quickly becoming the go-to Klingon expert. Director Cliff Bole spoke about how difficult it was to shoot, not because of issues with the script or production, but because it was the end of the season and everyone was anxious to take a break!
While The Best of Both Worlds may be remembered by many as the best two-parter in Star Trek, Redemption gives the Borg episodes a run for their money. This was The Next Generation having hit its stride, balancing the threat of war with the emotional impact of Worf's decision to leave Starfleet. The final scene where he walks through the corridors to the transporter room, lined on all sides by the crew of the Enterprise-D, never fails to make an impact.
This episode celebrated all of the best parts of Star Trek, offered a terrific story and left the audience hungry for the 101st episode and the fifth season itself.