Star Wars: 10 Reasons Why Disney+'s Obi-Wan Kenobi Is Awesome

6. Darth Vader Is Completely Incredible

Obi-Wan Kenobi Darth Vader

Has Darth Vader ever been better than he is in this show? Quite possibly not.

Vader was brilliantly introduced into the series with that chilling bacta tank shot that closed Part II. Throughout the rest of the series, the fallen Jedi is less a sci-fi villain, more a fully fledged horror movie monster.

Every single scene with Vader is laced with suffocating dread, thanks in no small part to James Earl Jones' ever-brilliant vocal performance. All the way through he's a peerless, pitiless and sadistic killer who is seemingly unstoppable. In one scene, he memorably pulls an entire ship back with a move of his hand.

But of course, his best scene is not any of the killing; it's that unforgettable moment from the finale where Obi-Wan breaks his mask and Vader talks to him with his voice constantly switching between Vader's and Anakin's.

It's an incredibly powerful and well-written scene that beautifully encapsulates the tragedy at the heart of this most iconic of villains, and frankly it deserves to be remembered as one of the finest scenes in all of Star Wars.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.