Star Wars: 8 Ideas For A Live-Action TV Show

3. Star Wars: Rogue Squadron

Star Wars Stormtrooper Academy

Just like there's a lengthy amount of time between Revenge Of The Sith and A New Hope, there's a similar time span between Return Of The Jedi and The Force Awakens. Return Of The Jedi may have ended in the triumphant defeat of Darth Vader and the Emperor, but what about the remainder of the Empire? What about their forces and strongholds and battleships?

It's highly unlikely that the Rebels simply halted their assault on the Empire just because the Death Star was destroyed. After all, the Empire stretched far and wide across the galaxy. So why not base a TV show on the aftermath?

Specifically, the show could be based on the Rogue Squadron, the main fleet of Rebels who manned the assault on the Death Star. Characters like Wedge Antilles and Admiral Ackbar could travel around the galaxy crushing those who refuse to admit defeat, stopping the Empire from immediately restructuring and continuing.

The show could take inspiration from the likes of HBO's Band Of Brothers: something weighty and serious, a war drama filled with epic space battles and dog fights. Television would work much better than film because it'd allow fans to really get to know the squad, focusing on the downtime between the characters just as much as the action. So much more could be achieved in a ten to twelve hour season than a two hour movie.

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