Star Wars: Clone Wars Season 7 Episode 11 - 5 Ups & 2 Downs From "Shattered"
6. Down - Ashoka's Last Stand

Towards the end of the episode, Ashoka has locked herself, Rex, and a few astromech droids inside a room in the ship. One astromech (who resembles Chopper, from Star Wars: Rebels) shuts the door so another can perform surgery on Rex to remove his inhibitor chip, making him immune to Order 66. However, Chopper can't hold the door forever, and when it flies open, Ashoka draws her lightsabers and prepares to fight the turned clones.
And...that's it. The moment could have been the episode's peak, with the former Jedi facing off against her former friends. However, it's far too short to make much of an impact emotionally or cinematically, with just a few swings of Ashoka's lightsaber before Rex comes to and shoots his brothers. Shattered is a good three minutes shorter than the previous episode, The Phantom Apprentice, and could have used the extra length to pad this scene.