Star Wars Rebels Season 4 Trailer Breakdown: 16 Things You Need To See

12. Rogue One Connections

Star Wars Rebels Season 4 trailer
Disney XD

Season Four will continue to bridge the gap between Rebels and Rogue One. Filoni has teased that they could make an episode that shows the Ghost’s point of view during the Battle of Scarif and we already know that Saw Gerrara’s reappearance will address why he is no longer with the Alliance as of the events of Rogue One.

Star Wars Rebels - Death Troopers
Disney XD

Last season we saw the animation debut of the Death Troopers, the elite unit who is tasked with protecting key Imperial figures in the Empire, escorting Grand Admiral Thrawn during his attack on Chopper Base in Zero Hour. Now it looks like they are back once more. In what context, we still don’t know, but if Thrawn has taken Bendu’s warning to heart, I imagine he’ll want them around at all times.

Star Wars Rebels - U-Wing
Disney XD

The trailer also sees the animation debut of the U-Wing transport and the Imperial Hover-Tank. The Imperial Hover-Tank, seen for the first and only time on Jedha, is shown causing trouble for the Rebels on what looks to be Lothal, and Hera is seen piloting the U-Wing in a series of shots, taking out an Imperial relay station and engaging in combat around a group of Imperial construction modules. Having Hera in the pilot’s seat will surely show us what the U-Wing is capable of, and both are nice little tie ins to Rogue One.


Aspiring writer who talks a lot, and writes most of it down