Stargate: 10 Behind The Scenes Secrets You Never Knew About Children Of The Gods

8. Glassner And Wright Didn't Know The Other Was Interested In Stargate Before The Pilot

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While Jonathan Glassner and Brad Wright had worked together previously on The Outer Limits, neither actually knew that the other was interested in a Stargate series. Glassner, for his part, was actually looking to move away from Vancouver and return to Los Angeles. MGM wanted him so badly that they were open to offering him whatever he wished.

Glassner told MGM he would only remain in Vancouver if he could have Stargate. They quickly said yes, with a slight caveat. He was paired with Wright, though the two quickly built a pitch that the studio loved.

They both had the same idea of a Stargate program that ran similarly to NASA, one with ongoing missions through the gate. Much of their script for Children Of The Gods was concerned with bringing back O'Neil and Jackson and introducing the idea that the Stargate was not simply an A to B device, but that it could send travelers all over the galaxy. They also wanted to introduce a female lead, and an alien character as well.

While Wright would go on to co-create Stargate Atlantis and Stargate Universe, this would be Glassner's only series in the Stargate franchise.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick