Stargate: 10 Behind The Scenes Secrets You Never Knew About Children Of The Gods

7. THAT Nude Scene

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This is a scene that caused controversy at every step of the way, from its conception to execution, to reception. It's safe to say now that almost no one wanted to include it, least of all Vaitiare Bandera, who played Sha're, on whom this scene focussed. She had previously turned down movie roles, including a large part in Mutiny On The Bounty, which co-starred Mel Gibson, as she had no interest in doing nude scenes.

She had originally auditioned for the part in the 1994 movie, narrowly missing out. Here, she was officially cast. She agreed to a topless scene, though this was subsequently rewritten into a full-frontal nude scene at the studio's insistence. This, understandably, caused Bandera a lot of upset, as it was not what she had agreed to.

They agreed to shorten the scene, assuring her that it would be handled in 'good taste.' This assuaged her, though Brad Wright was never truly comfortable with it. While the possession scene is still present in the Final Cut, all of the nude scenes were trimmed from the later release, as they were deemed wholly unnecessary to the plot of the episode.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick