Stargate: 10 Best Aliens In One Episode Only

6. 'Time' Planet Aliens

Stargate Crystal Skull

These aliens, also referred to as 'Squigglers' (and as one, the audience may commence feeling nauseous), inhabit a world that Destiny gates to in Stargate Universe. Once there, the team finds one of their kino recording devices already in place, so they decide to watch the footage.

What follows is a nightmarish time-loop, where the expedition watch themselves die one by one. Chloe is killed as one of the Squigglers burrows right through her, exploding out of her back in a manner not too dissimilar to Giger's most famous creation.

However, these aliens are a necessary evil - their venom is essential in curing a disease that is tearing through the ship. There are many loops in which the expedition are not successful in avoiding their grizzly deaths at the tentacles of these creatures yet, thanks to Lt. Scott's instructions on the final kino, they are able to avoid their horrible deaths - if only once.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick