Stargate: 10 Best Aliens In One Episode Only

5. Iratus-Human Hybrids

Stargate Crystal Skull

Looking like something fresh from one of H.R. Giger's wilder wilds, these 'Bug People' were created in the Pegasus Galaxy but the human-Wraith hybrid, Michael. Michael had been rejected by his fellow Wraith for his human-like appearance, leaving him in a position where he was being hunted by both sides in their war.

The Bug People were created as a foot-soldier for him, lacking intelligence in so far as their communication skills, yet robust and hardy to the point where they were very difficult to kill.

In the episode Vengeance, one of Michael's facilities is discovered and shut down by the Atlantis expedition, yet it is not the only facility by a long shot. There are many more of them spread out through the Pegasus galaxy.

With Michael's death, these horrors are roaming unchecked - leaving anyone who wanders in their path in a very deadly situation.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick