Stargate: 10 Times The Show Made Huge Mistakes

3. Teal'c's Baby Is All Grown Up

Stargate SG1 Walter Harriman

In the fourth season episode Point Of No Return, Teal'c is shown to have had a bit of a surprise for the rest of his team. His little baby Goa' a lot more grown up than the last time they saw it!

All Jaffa soldiers carry infant Goa'uld larvae in their pouches (think Kangaroos) and in return, they are granted perfect health and long life. Though it is not specifically stated how long it takes them to mature, Teal'c shows his larvae to the team in Children of the Gods. It is clearly a slender, small creature. It is also very different from the adult Goa'uld that the audience sees enter Sha're earlier in the episode.

In the aforementioned episode, a thermal imaging scan of Teal'c is shown - with a much bigger larvae than he had previously been carrying. While the shot is certainly cool, it does seem to have had quite the growth spurt in a short space of time!


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick