Stargate: 10 Times The Show Made Huge Mistakes

2. Switching Shoulders

Stargate SG1 Walter Harriman

In the sixth season, O'Neill allows himself to become host to a Tok'ra symbiont in exchange for a cure to an Ancient illness that is killing him. Though it seems like a good deal in the beginning, things turn sour when he is taken captive by Ba'al, who would of course go on to become one of the most impressively charismatic Goa'uld System Lords.

Ba'al has a unique form of torture for O'Neill. Simply put, he repeatedly murders him, slowly, and then brings him back to life in a sarcophagus. This grim fate for the Colonel includes being stabbed, over and over again, by knives dropped through the air (thanks to anti-gravity).

Continuity is a difficult beast in any project, with people specifically hired to film sets to make sure that everything lasts the way that it should. One example of why this is necessary is one of the final scenes from The Return of the King. After an entire day of emotionally grueling shooting with the four Hobbits, someone spotted that Sean Astin had forgotten to wear his waistcoat in pick up shots.

Cue another day of filming.

Here, however, there is a simple error. O'Neill is stabbed in the right shoulder, while the close up shot shows the knife sticking out of his left shoulder.

The poor man. If you're going to torture a man....make it consistant!


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick