Stargate: Every Series And Movie Ranked Worst To Best

20. Stargate Universe: Season 2

stargate movie

Stargate Universe hit screens in 2009 and immediately fans noticed something a bit weird about it, but more on that when we cover season 1. The second season of Stargate Universe delivers the cardinal sin, it ends on a cliff-hanger. That was it, that was the end of the Stargate franchise, a cliff-hanger, where the Ancient vessel Destiny heads off into the void. It was strangely beautiful, but ultimately disappointing.

The main thrust of the season was the morally duplicitous Dr. Nicholas Rush (the show's highlight, played by Robert Carlyle) discovering a cosmic radiation signature that was theoretically left behind by the Big Bang, which could well have been the reason that the Destiny was launched in the first place, to study this possibility of life that is billions of years old.

The decision also to maroon the Lucian Alliance characters that invaded the ship in it's second episode was also a waste of potential new characters, something that the show had always had a cavalier attitude towards.

In the end, Universe fizzled out and wasn't a great idea to begin with.

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Still bitter that Star Trek Enterprise got canned and almost old enough to angrily tell the kids to 'Get Off My Lawn!'