Stargate: Every Villain Ranked Worst To Best

17. Sokar

The Ori Stargate

Of all the Gods that Sokar could have chosen to imitate, he chose the Devil. One of the powerful Goa'uld System Lords, Sokar was out of favour with the rest of the Goa'uld pantheon for a long time, building his armies in secret until he could threaten all of them. Sokar was based on the planet of Delmak and utilised its moon, Netu, as his own personal Hell-prison. His enemies would be sent there to suffer endlessly while he plotted and schemed.

All of that sounds pretty great for a scenery-chewing, bombastic villain, but the problem is we only got to see Sokar in two episodes and even then only briefly. He was built up through the second and early part of the third season of SG-1, but then he's offed pretty sharpish and that was that. His only enduring legacy is that his grab for power was then subverted by Apophis, back from the dead and in charge of some rather red and angry looking Jaffa.

David Palffy, who played Sokar, would go on to later portray Anubis (behind a face mask), someone who did the whole 'God of Despair' thing a lot better.

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Still bitter that Star Trek Enterprise got canned and almost old enough to angrily tell the kids to 'Get Off My Lawn!'